Recent Articles
Kiaris H. Nontraditional models as research tools: The road not taken. Trends in Molecular Medicine. Volume 30, Issue 10, October 2024, Pages 924-931.
Kiaris H. Optimal conditions, experimentation and drug testing. Lab Anim (2024).
Kiaris H. Biology as a construct: Universals, historicity, and the postmodern nature of biological sciences. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine. 67 (3): 337-347. 2024.
Naderi A, Liles K, Burns T, Chavez B, Huynh-Dam K-T, Kiaris H. Pair bonding and disruption impact lung transcriptome in monogamous Peromyscus californicus. BMC Genomics. 2023. DOI 10.1186/s12864-023-09873-6.
​Lu, A.T., Fei, Z., Haghani, A. ..... Horvath S. Universal DNA methylation age across mammalian tissues. Nat Aging (2023).​
Haghani A, Li CZ, Robeck TR, Zhang J, Lu AT, Ablaeva J, Acosta-Rodríguez VA, Adams DM, Alagaili AN, Almunia J, Aloysius A, Amor NMS, Ardehali R, Arneson A, Baker CS, Banks G, Belov K, Bennett NC, Black P, Blumstein DT, Bors EK, Breeze CE, Brooke RT, Brown JL, Carter G, Caulton A, Cavin JM, Chakrabarti L, Chatzistamou I, Chavez AS, Chen H, Cheng K, Chiavellini P, Choi OW, Clarke S, Cook JA, Cooper LN, Cossette ML, Day J, DeYoung J, Dirocco S, Dold C, Dunnum JL, Ehmke EE, Emmons CK, Emmrich S, Erbay E, Erlacher-Reid C, Faulkes CG, Fei Z, Ferguson SH, Finno CJ, Flower JE, Gaillard JM, Garde E, Gerber L, Gladyshev VN, Goya RG, Grant MJ, Green CB, Hanson MB, Hart DW, Haulena M, Herrick K, Hogan AN, Hogg CJ, Hore TA, Huang T, Izpisua Belmonte JC, Jasinska AJ, Jones G, Jourdain E, Kashpur O, Katcher H, Katsumata E, Kaza V, Kiaris H, Kobor MS, Kordowitzki P, Koski WR, Krützen M, Kwon SB, Larison B, Lee SG, Lehmann M, Lemaître JF, Levine AJ, Li X, Li C, Lim AR, Lin DTS, Lindemann DM, Liphardt SW, Little TJ, Macoretta N, Maddox D, Matkin CO, Mattison JA, McClure M, Mergl J, Meudt JJ, Montano GA, Mozhui K, Munshi-South J, Murphy WJ, Naderi A, Nagy M, Narayan P, Nathanielsz PW, Nguyen NB, Niehrs C, Nyamsuren B, O'Brien JK, Ginn PO, Odom DT, Ophir AG, Osborn S, Ostrander EA, Parsons KM, Paul KC, Pedersen AB, Pellegrini M, Peters KJ, Petersen JL, Pietersen DW, Pinho GM, Plassais J, Poganik JR, Prado NA, Reddy P, Rey B, Ritz BR, Robbins J, Rodriguez M, Russell J, Rydkina E, Sailer LL, Salmon AB, Sanghavi A, Schachtschneider KM, Schmitt D, Schmitt T, Schomacher L, Schook LB, Sears KE, Seifert AW, Shafer ABA, Shindyapina AV, Simmons M, Singh K, Sinha I, Slone J, Snell RG, Soltanmohammadi E, Spangler ML, Spriggs M, Staggs L, Stedman N, Steinman KJ, Stewart DT, Sugrue VJ, Szladovits B, Takahashi JS, Takasugi M, Teeling EC, Thompson MJ, Van Bonn B, Vernes SC, Villar D, Vinters HV, Vu H, Wallingford MC, Wang N, Wilkinson GS, Williams RW, Yan Q, Yao M, Young BG, Zhang B, Zhang Z, Zhao Y, Zhao P, Zhou W, Zoller JA, Ernst J, Seluanov A, Gorbunova V, Yang XW, Raj K, Horvath S. DNA methylation networks underlying mammalian traits. Science. 2023 Aug 11;381(6658):eabq5693. doi: 10.1126/science.abq5693. Epub 2023 Aug 11. PMID: 37561875.
Kiaris H. The Chinese room argument in Plato’s Ion. Interface: Journal of European Languages and Literatures. Issue 21 (Summer 2023), pp. 59-68. DOI: 10.6667/interface.21.2023.201
Cao X, Nguyen V, Tsai J, Gao C, Tian Y, Zhang Y, Carver W, Kiaris H, Cui T, Tan W. The SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein induces long-term transcriptional perturbations of mitochondrial metabolic genes, causes cardiac fibrosis, and reduces myocardial contractile in obese mice. Molecular Metabolism. . 2023.101756. 2023.
Zhang Y, Huynh-Dam KT, Ding X, Sikirzhytski V, Lim CU, Broude E, Kiaris H. RASSF1 is identified by transcriptome coordination analysis as a target of ATF4. FEBS Open Bio. 2023 Feb 1. doi: 10.1002/2211-5463.13569. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36723232.
Davis SW, Kiaris H; Kaza V, Felder MR. Genetic analysis of the stereotypic phenotype in Peromyscus maniculatus (deer mice). Behavioral Genetics. 2022. doi: 10.1007/s10519-022-10124-9
Naderi A, Farmaki E*, Chavez B, Cai C, Kaza V, Zhang Y, Soltanmohammadi E, Daneshvar N, Chatzistamou I, & Kiaris H. Beneficial effects of CCL8 inhibition at LPS-induced lung injury. iScience. 2022. (*, equal contribution)
Kiaris H. The end of selection as a driver of human evolution. (Anticipations). Futures 143; 103038, 2022.
Nguyen V, Zhang Y, Gao C, Cao X, Tian Y, Carver W, Kiaris H, Cui T, Tan W. The Spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 impairs lipid metabolism and increases susceptibility to lipotoxicity: implication for a role of Nrf2. Cells. 2022. 11(12), 1916;
Kiaris H. Gene-driven Social Connectedness in the Divergence Between East and West. The Oriental Anthropologist. June 2022. doi:10.1177/0972558X221095184.
Kiaris H. Non-genetic linkage of personality traits and the divergence of Eastern and Western cultures: Association with Hofstede’s cultural dimensions. Culture and Brain (2022).
Horvath S, Haghani A, Zoller JA, Naderi A, Soltanmohammadi E, Farmaki E, Kaza V, Chatzistamou I, Kiaris H. Methylation studies in Peromyscus: aging, altitude adaptation, and monogamy. GeroScience 2021. [bioRxiv 2021. 10.1101/2021.03.15.435544]
Zhang Y, Lim C, Sikirzhytski V, Naderi A, Chatzistamou I and Kiaris H. The propensity to endoplasmic reticulum stress in deer mouse fibroblasts predicts skin inflammation and body weight gain. Disease Models & Mechanisms. (2021) 14 (10): dmm049113.
*Featured In First Person interview by Y. Zhang: Dis Model Mech (2021) 14 (10): dmm049278.
Lucius MD, Ji H, Altomare D, Doran R, Torkian B, Havighorst A, Kaza V, Zhang Y, Gasparian AV, Shankar V, Shtutman M, and Kiaris H. Genomic variation in captive deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) populations. BMC Genomics 22, 662 (2021).
Zhang Y, Chatzistamou I, Kiaris H. Transcriptomic coordination at hepatic steatosis indicates robust immune cell engagement prior to inflammation. BMC Genomics 22, 454 (2021).
Naderi A, Soltanmohammadi E, Kaza V, Barlow V, Chatzistamou I, & Kiaris H. Persistent effects of pair bonding in lung cancer cell growth in monogamous Peromyscus californicus. eLife 2021;10:e64711 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.64711.
*Featured in eLife Digest "Pairing up against cancer"
*Podcast interview with Chris Smith (The Naked Scientists) here
*Featured in Spotlight "Harnessing the healing power of love" by Ford and Young in Trends in Molecular Medicine
*Featured in ScienceConnected (The cancerous relationship between tumors and grief, By Pernille Bülow)
Soltanmohammadi E*, Zhang Y*, Chatzistamou I, Kiaris H. Resilience, plasticity and robustness in gene expression during aging in the brain of outbred deer mice. BMC Genomics 22, 291 (2021). (*, equal contribution)
Balderrama-Gutierrez G, Milovic A, Cook VJ, Islam NM, Zhang Y, Kiaris H, Belisle JT, Mortazavi A, Barbour AG. An infection-tolerant mammalian reservoir for several zoonotic agents broadly counters the inflammatory effects of endotoxin. mBio. 2021 Apr 13;12(2):e00588-21. doi: 10.1128/mBio.00588-21. [bioRxiv 2020.12.13.422519; doi:]
Soltanmohammadi E, Farmaki E, Zhang Y, Naderi A, Kaza V, Chatzistamou I, Kiaris H. Coordination in the unfolded protein response during aging in outbred deer mice. Experimental Gerontology. 2020 Dec 5;144:111191. doi: 10.1016/j.exger.2020.111191.
Yap KN, Yamada K, Zikeli S, Kiaris H, Hood WR. Evaluating endoplasmic reticulum stress and unfolded protein response through the lens of ecology and evolution. Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc. 2020 Nov 8. doi: 10.1111/brv.12667. PMID: 33164297.
Chavez B, Farmaki E, Zhang Y, Altomare D, Hao J, Soltnamohammadi E, Shtutman M, Chatzistamou I, & Kiaris H. A strategy for the Identification of Paracrine Regulators of Cancer Cell Migration. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2020 Jun 25. doi: 10.1111/1440-1681.13366.
*Selected for the Journal's Cover
Zhang Y, Chatzistamou I, Kiaris H. Coordination of the unfolded protein response during hepatic steatosis identifies CHOP as a specific regulator of hepatocyte ballooning. Cell Stress Chaperones. 2020 Jun 23. doi: 10.1007/s12192-020-01132-x
Zhang Y, Chatzistamou I, Kiaris H. Identification of frailty-associated genes by coordination analysis of gene expression. Aging (Albany NY). 2020; .
Havighorst A, Zhang Y, Farmaki E, Kaza V, Chatzistamou I and.Kiaris H. Differential regulation of the unfolded protein response in outbred deer mice and susceptibility to metabolic disease. Disease Models & Mechanisms 2019 : dmm.037242 doi: 10.1242/dmm.037242.
*Featured with First Person interview by A. Havighorst: Disease Models & Mechanisms 2019 12: dmm039255 doi: 10.1242/dmm.039255
*Highlighted in “Lab Animal: Deer mice bring genetic diversity to metabolic research".
Zhang Y, Lucius M, Altomare D, Havighorst A, Farmaki E, Chatzistamou I, Shtutman M, and Kiaris H. Coordination analysis of gene expression points to the relative impact of different regulators during endoplasmic reticulum stress. DNA and Cell Biology. 2019 Jul 29. doi: 10.1089/dna.2019.4910
Kaza V, Farmaki E, Havighorst A, Crossland J, Chatzistamou I, Kiaris H. Growth of human breast cancers in Peromyscus. Dis Model Mech. 2018 Jan 17;11(1). pii: dmm031302. doi: 10.1242/dmm.031302.
Liang J, Chen M, Hughes D, Chumanevich AA, Altilia S, Kaza V, Lim CU, Kiaris H, Mythreye K, Pena MM, Broude EV, Roninson IB. CDK8 Selectively Promotes the Growth of Colon Cancer Metastases in the Liver by Regulating Gene Expression of TIMP3 and Matrix Metalloproteinases. Cancer Res. 2018 Dec 1;78(23):6594-6606. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-18-1583
Chatzistamou I, Farmaki E, Kaza V, Kiaris H. The Value of Outbred Rodent Models in Cancer Research. Trends in Cancer. 2018 Jul;4(7):468-471. doi: 10.1016/j.trecan.2018.05.00
Kiaris H, Chatzistamou I. Inhibition of tumor growth by agonists of growth hormone-releasing hormone. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018 Nov 7. pii: 201817342. doi: 10.1073/pnas.181734211
Kiaris H. Support for Living Stock Collections: A Mammalian Stock Center Perspective. Trends Genet. 2018 Dec 23. pii: S0168-9525(18)30207-5. doi: 10.1016/j.tig.2018.12.0
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